Deep Learning for Visual Computing (Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Graphics)


Project Description

The internship will be in the area of visual computing (computer vision, machine learning, computer graphics). The exact topic depends on the student's interest, student's background, and current research topics in the group. Many projects in the group deal with generative modeling and 3D reconstruction. For example, adversarial networks for synthesizing images, textures, point clouds, and 3D geometry; Generative diffusion models for synthesizing images, 3D, and animations; depth from a single image; image segmentation; primitive fitting; indoor room layout reconstruction; domain adaptation; few shot learning;​
Program - Computer Science
Division - Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering
Faculty Lab Link -
Center Affiliation - Visual Computing Center
Field of Study - Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Computer Graphics

About the

Peter Wonka

Peter Wonka

Desired Project Deliverables

There are no pre-determined deliverables. The goal is to learn more about the research process and to work towards a high-quality publication. Students will be involved in reading literature, discussing ideas, and implementation.


Computer Science
Computer Science
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Computer Vision or Computer Graphics
Computer Vision or Computer Graphics