Connectivity of Shark Populations


Project Description

​Ongoing research conducted by the Reef Ecology Lab and its collaborators have generated a diverse collection of shark and ray genetic samples. Analysis of these samples could provide insight into both elasmobranch biogeography and population ecology. Specific projects include investigating broad population genetics of hammerhead sharks in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf or looking at fine-scale differences between reef shark sub-populations within the Red Sea. Undergraduate research will mostly focus on lab work, performing DNA extractions, running PCRs, and analyzing our existing collection of genetic samples. There may also be opportunities for fieldwork, including fish market surveys and catch-and-release sampling trips.​
Program - Marine Science
Division - Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Center Affiliation - Red Sea Research Center
Field of Study - ​Population Genetics

About the

Michael Lee Berumen

Michael Lee Berumen

Desired Project Deliverables

​Depending on the results, the student researcher may also contribute to a scientific publication detailing the work and findings.